Friday 31 July 2015

365 Days of Art: Colour on Concrete

346. Colour on Concrete
It's been a very long while since I've posted a picture for the 365 Days of Art challenge (which I took as 365 themes in a year, rather than one each day), but that doesn't mean that I haven't been drawing anything. In fact, I've probably created more in the past three months than I did over the past year! With that in mind, I decided that it's about time that I started updating this blog again, however infrequently it might end up being.

That brings me to today's challenge theme: 346. Colour on Concrete

Whilst sitting in the garden after filming a gloriously iridescent beetle (there will be more about that little wonder in another post), I found some pavement chalk sticks and decided to try drawing with them. 

The colours were limited to reddish pink, yellow, green, blue, and white, and the sticks were thick and chunky, which didn't exactly make them perfect for the uneven concrete, but I did my best. It was actually a lot of fun and so I continued adding one additional drawing each day over a week and a half. Sometimes it rained and the pictures were washed away, but that just made more room for something new.

The first picture didn't go so well...

Green rabbit?
Nor did the second...
Abstract face?

Rabbit & Face

I suppose the third one wasn't amazing either, but I rather liked him!

The Pink-Eyed, Blue Robot

Then I added an eyeball to the mix...

Green Eye, Pink Pupil

All of them

Unfortunately, it started raining shortly after that, so it was time to say goodbye to Mr. Robot and his friends. He was still smiling though!

Goodbye Mr. Robot

Time to start over...

So of course, I drew a dinosaur - what else?!

RahRah the dino

Sadly, it rained again that night, and RahRah the dino had disappeared by the next day. So I replaced him with a flower.

One of my cats kept sitting on the leaves of the chalk flower, so I decided to honour him with a chalk cat, albeit a very poor representation of one, haha.

The Chalk Cat & The Chalk Flower

Still, Nosferatu the cat returned to perch on the flower (and the cat) that evening. Obviously he was pleased with the work!
Nosferatu the cat inspecting his portrait
I looked out of the window a little later that night and saw that his brother, Dracula, had also joined him. It was like watching some strange feline ritual...

The Order of the Flower of the Green Cat
Both the green cat and flower survived the weather and the little paws, and so the next day another drawing was added; this time I opted for a strawberry.


Green Cat, Pink Flower, Giant Strawberry!
The next day brought another failure. I tried to do a mosaic effect and ended up with something that looked similar to a messy multicoloured dartboard instead.

However, it managed to last the night, and then it ended up becoming what was possibly my favourite chalk drawing of all (so far): The Rainbow Snail!

The Rainbow Snail

The Rainbow Snail & a face made of sunlight

Rainbow Snail, flying above us all...
Doing these drawings was enjoyable and I think I'll continue to do them. Perhaps I'll even make another post about them in the future, just for fun!

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☆Thank you for imagining another part of this paracosm☆


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